Morris PhotoColor Club (MPC) is a nonprofit organization, founded in 1953 for the promotion of the art and science of photography. Over the years, MPC has achieved recognition locally, statewide, nationally and internationally. We are affiliated with the New Jersey Federation of Camera Clubs (NJFCC) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA). Members range from point-and-shoot hobbyists to talented, experienced photographers.
To review the Constitution and By-Laws, click here.
Executive Board
President: Thomas Knoop
Vice President: Alex Schmutz
Treasurer: Peter Engelhardt
Chair – Tech/Website: David Unger
Chair – Membership: Sergio Burani
Chair – PSA Contest Chair: Paula Oakes
Chair – NJFCC: Rick Kent
Chair – Surveys: J. Evans
Chair – Events: David Surks
Chair – Judges/Contests: Judy Sedlak
Chair – Contests: Rick Kent
Immediate Past Co-Presidents: David Unger and Rick Kent
NJFCC Representative: Rick Kent
Morris PhotoColor Club Brief History