Oh No…Not JPEGs!
by Rick Berger
Published 12/9/2019
I couldn’t wait for Thursday to arrive. That’s the day, each week, that I’d go to my local Apple computer store for my lesson on using Aperture, Mac’s photo editing system. Now, to some that would’ve been about as exciting as watching paint dry. But to me, it was an hour of photo exploration! After years in the darkroom I was now tackling the experience of making a digital image come alive without any chemicals!
One of the Apple geeks was Taylor. This guy knew Aperture inside and out. He could take an ordinary photo and turn it into an Ansel Adams in no time. I, on the other hand, would stare at the screen without a clue. At that point, I was only able to take a lousy looking snapshot and turn it into a lousy looking snapshot that had been cropped.
[More of the article on the next page]